A good man

International title: 
A good man
di Juan Martínez Moreno (Spa, 2009, 97') v.o., sott. it.; mar 8 h 20,00 Vicente and Fernando are close friends and colleagues, professors at the Law School and members of the affluent upper middle class. Fernando, a full professor, is older than Vicente and serves as a father figure and professional and moral role model for him. He is also Vicente's staunchest support at the university. One day, by chance, Vicente sees Fernando murder his wife. He cannot bring himself to report his friend to the police but even when Fernando explains why he did it, Vicente is unable to understand or forgive him. Although Vicente is an eyewitness and accomplice to the crime, for not reporting it, he just tells Fernando to vanish from is life and that of his family forever. The characters' double standards and the fact that becoming an accomplice works to Vicente's advantage will lead to a series of events that will cause new deaths.



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