
Sezione III di Alfonso Postiglione (Ita, 2008, 17') Mar 10 h 19.12, Sab 14 h 19.12
di Billy Wilder (Usa, 1961, 108') v.o. sott. it. mer 9 h 15,30 – h 22,00 ‘Mac' MacNamara, head of Coca Cola in West Berlin, learns that his boss's daughter will be arriving in the city and will stay with him for a few weeks. The girl in fact ends up staying for two months, and when her parents decide to come and get her themselves, she mysteriously disappears, leaving MacNamara with a crisis in his hands. He finds the girl but discovers that she has secretly married an East Berlin Communist and is about to leave for Moscow with him.
di Billy Wilder (Usa, 1961, 108') v.o. sott. it. mer 9 h 15,30 – h 22,00 ‘Mac' MacNamara, head of Coca Cola in West Berlin, learns that his boss's daughter will be arriving in the city and will stay with him for a few weeks. The girl in fact ends up staying for two months, and when her parents decide to come and get her themselves, she mysteriously disappears, leaving MacNamara with a crisis in his hands. He finds the girl but discovers that she has secretly married an East Berlin Communist and is about to leave for Moscow with him.
Fefè has an unassuming but pleasant family scenario, with a beautiful wife and a six year old daughter. Beyond the walls of the house, however, Fefè has to reckon with his use of a criminal gang as labourers. An unusual night at the port of Naples spent waiting for a meeting with a rival gang proves decisive for Fefe's future. His father, now long-deceased, had been an inexhaustible stevedor. The port evokes ever-present memories of his father and ignites unexpected hopes of an honest and decent life, close to the purity of his private family life.
(Ita, 1970, 101'); Ven 12 h 16.00
(Ita, 1970, 101'); Ven 12 h 16.00
Urban Glitch è parte del progetto, da cui prende il nome, realizzato dagli architetti Fulvio Giannotti e Michele Palumbo. Urban Glitch è ricerca sociale: Che cosa spinge le persone ad abitare nei "bassi"? Sono abitazioni fronte strada nei vicoli di Napoli, una delle più grandi città Italiane.
Di nazionalità svizzera e francese, Ursula Meier ha studiato regia in Belgio. Il successo dei suoi cortometraggi le ha permesso di concentrarsi sulle proprie fiction e documentari. È stata poi scelta per partecipare alla serie di film di Arte TV Masculin Féminin e ha diretto Des épaules solides (Spalle forti), proiettato in festival in tutto il mondo. Nel 2008, il suo primo lungometraggio “Home” è stato selezionato alla Settimana della Critica di Cannes e ha ricevuto numerosi premi e nomination in tutto il mondo.
A man is walking down the stairs of an apartment building and pauses to spy through a window when sees a bare-breasted woman drying her hair with a towel. He cannot see her face. He is momentarily distracted by a man who leaves some bottles outside the door. When he returns to his spying he is disappointed – there is only a man cleaning his teeth.




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