
Uno scambio di paure e timori aprono questo cortometraggio, creando un’unione di esperienze e fobie, spesso comuni. Nel finale vi è una catena di suggestioni che portano tutti alla fuga.
The relationship between the Vesuvius and the people living at the feet of it. Three stories: Maria and her plant nursery business in a Vesuvius villa; Matteo, who paints his canvas using lava; Yole, a new-romantic singer devout to the Virgin Mary.
by Emiliano Corapi (Ita, 2010, 83'); sott. ing., sott. it. Sunday 16 h 22,30 Alberto runs a struggling business in Liguria. He decides to try to save his firm by acting as a courier for a powerful criminal organisation. He hides the real reason for his trips from his wife, who loves him and has always valued his honesty. However the appearance of a new gang, very interested in the illegal cargo he is about to smuggle, will force him to pay a high price for the choice he has made
Summer 1993, chosen to represent Spain at the Academy Awards 2018. Tells the drama lived by Frida, a six year old girl who, left orphan, leaves Barcelona to move to the country house of her new adoptive parents, Uncle Esteve and his wife Marga. For Frida everything is new, the smells and colors of country life, the love of her new family and above all the relationship to be built with what will be her little sister, Anna.
Suncity, the city of the sun. And music. Naples. As seen through the eye of the camera, microphone turned on, riding through the sounds and the stories of those who chose to play and sing the street. “Può dì che ‘e strade ‘e Napule, cheste so’ nu palcoscenico” sang Sergio Bruni in 1956. After 60 years, the curtain is still open, the Promenade at Plebiscito, Via Toledo to Piazza del Gesù, in the alleys of San Domenico Maggiore until the Piazza Garibaldi station where around a public piano, in the words of an old tramp, the city recognizes its soul.
For middle-aged Kostis, life has passed him by. As the newly appointed doctor of a tiny island, Kostis spends a dreary winter alone. By the time summer arrives, though, the island has turned into a thriving, wild vacation spot with nude beaches and crazy parties. When Kostis meets the beautiful and flirty Anna, he falls hard for her and goes out of his way to conquer and impress her. Before long, Kostis is spending nearly all of his time getting drunk, partying hard, and even making out with Anna.
(Eu, 2001, 90') v.it.; Mer 20 h 18.30
Chi non ha sognato almeno una volta nella vita di avere dei superpoteri?I supereroi si sono imposti come dei veri e propri idoli, facendo fantasticare intere generazioni; ma chi sono davvero?Giovani problematici che necessitano come chiunque altro di una figura guida, nodo cruciale per l’uomo e per l’eroe; esseri semidivini assetati di verità e di giustizia, disorientati da un passato difficile. Un grande potere comporta sempre una grande responsabilità, assunta dai supereroi secondo i valori inculcati dalla propria “famiglia”.




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