BLACK DIAMOND - Marieme is 16 years old and is insecure.


Laure is a 10-year-old girl and she has just moved to a new neighbourhood with her parents.

Naissance des pieuvres - Nascita delle piovre

THE BIRTH OF OCTOPUS - Three teenagers, three girls, each of which is 15 years old and practises sync swimming, fall in love for the first time.

FOTOgrammi 2015

 MARIO MONICELLI  was born in Rome (according to Stefano Della Casa researches) or in Viareggio (according to Monicelli in an audio interview granted me in 1994, author’s note) the 16th of May 1915 from Mantuan parents. His father was a journalist for the Resto del Carlino and l’Avanti! and his aunt was Arnoldo Mondadori’s wife. After his childhood in Rome he moved to Milan where he finished high school and started University. He founded a newspaper, Camminare, with other directors as Freda and Lattuada, where he used to write about cinematographic critic.

Pastorale Cilentana

Agrarian environment in the mid-14th century. Vineyards and olive tree groves extend as far as the eye can see.

Un potere scomodo

This is the story of a boy and girl who are victims of school bullying.

The last of you

A short script written and directed with twenty children at a school in the province of Naples, as part of the filmap project.




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