Uno, due, tre!

International title: 
One, Two, Three
di Billy Wilder (Usa, 1961, 108') v.o. sott. it. mer 9 h 15,30 – h 22,00 ‘Mac' MacNamara, head of Coca Cola in West Berlin, learns that his boss's daughter will be arriving in the city and will stay with him for a few weeks. The girl in fact ends up staying for two months, and when her parents decide to come and get her themselves, she mysteriously disappears, leaving MacNamara with a crisis in his hands. He finds the girl but discovers that she has secretly married an East Berlin Communist and is about to leave for Moscow with him. MacNamara manages to stop this trip by having Otto (the Communist) disappear. But when he learns that Rossella is pregnant he has to get him back and somehow turn him into a proper kind of gentleman that he can introduce, as the ideal son-in-law, to his boss. Thus the task of transforming Otto begins: he beard is shaved, his clothes changed and he is even adopted by a dead count to give him aristocratic ancestry. Otto vigorously opposes all these initiatives but soon realises that the life of a ‘capitalist ‘ isn't so disagreeable. When the parents arrive they find this perfect gentleman full of energy and brio. They are so taken with him that they make him director of Coca Cola in Europe – a job coveted by MacNamara himself; indeed this is why he was so concerned for the welfare of the boss's daughter. He however ends up returning to America, promoted to the post of deputy director general.



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