
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Fra, 1994, 99') v.it. lun 7 h 22,20 - gio 10 h 22,30 - ven 11 h 16,00 (photo by Piotr Jaxa) Valentine, a twenty three year old student and photographic model, lives alone in Geneva. Her possessive, nagging boyfriend lives in London. One evening her car hits a dog. She brings the animal back to its owner, a retired judge. The man is a gruff and disagreeable 65 of few words whose only pastime is spying on his neighbours and recording their most intimate phone calls. A strange relationship grows between the two.
After missing a train, Marc meets and falls in love with Sylvie. They agree to meet in Paris at the Jardin des Tuileries without exchanging contact information. On the time of the rendezvous, Marc is held up in a meeting and they miss each other. Disappointed, Sylvie moves to the USA with her husband. Later, Marc meets Sylvie's sister Sophie and they fall in love. As Marc and Sophie's relationship becomes serious, he discovers she is Sylvie's sister.
(Ita, 1981, 113'); Sab 13 h 18.00
(Ita, 1981, 113'); Sab 13 h 18.00
Sezione I di Fulvio Arricchiello (Ita, 2008, 46') Mer 10 h 16.45
Mari del Sud – Cuba di Esteban García Insausti e Pavel Giroud (Cub, 2004, 84')1 v.o., sott. it., video; Sab 14 h 20.15
di Drazen ZarkoviC e Pavo Marinkovic (Cro, 2006, 80') v.o., sott. it.; Gio 14 h 19.15 On a small, dying Croatian island, four friends live among the few inhabitants, playing card games almost every evening. When one of the four dies, the remaining four desperately try to find the fourth for the game. Thus they attempt to conscript the local priest, the village loon, a man from big city who came to the island to buy a summer house, the local cop... Their search becomes embroiled in the destinies of the small number of people on the island, revealing their deeply buried secrets.
A journey into a world that slowly disappears, seen from the perspective of four girls who inhabit it. O Courel is a rural high-mountain land in the heart of Galicia (Spain), where many magical rituals prevail and where nature stands with a unique force capable of directing the lives of its inhabitants. Its own rhythm, tradition and heritage seek their survival through the transmission of the most intimate and sensible essences.




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