
2006. Italy. Directed by Fabrizio Corallo, Francesca Molteni. In this long interview with Dino Risi, which premiered in December 2006 on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday, the filmmaker talks about the fun and melancholy behind sixty years of directing comedies, Italian style. Sequences from his most famous films are shown, along with testimonies from Jean Louis Trintignant, Monica Bellucci, Giancarlo Giannini, Catherine Spaak, Martin Scorsese, Umberto Eco, and Carlo Verdone. In Italian; English subtitles. 66 min.
2006. Italy. Directed by Fabrizio Corallo, Francesca Molteni. In this long interview with Dino Risi, which premiered in December 2006 on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday, the filmmaker talks about the fun and melancholy behind sixty years of directing comedies, Italian style. Sequences from his most famous films are shown, along with testimonies from Jean Louis Trintignant, Monica Bellucci, Giancarlo Giannini, Catherine Spaak, Martin Scorsese, Umberto Eco, and Carlo Verdone. In Italian; English subtitles. 66 min.
Diego e Anna sono stati insieme per due anni. Ora che si sono lasciati, vivono in città diverse. Si rincontrano a Roma in occasione di un concerto e decidono di passare la giornata insieme in attesa dell’inizio dello show. I due ragazzi, così, avranno modo di affrontare tutti i conti in sospeso che ogni rottura, inevitabilmente, porta dietro di sé.
di Raffaele Manco (Ita, 2009, 50') lun 7 The documentary fi lm “Una cosa importante da dire”, is a response to the illegal and antidemocratic decision of the Italian Government to open a rubbish disposal dump in an disused tufa quarry at Chiaiano near Naples. The zone is actually within the Camaldoli Hills Nature Park, is situated on a water table that brings water to the city and is 2 km from the biggest hospital complex in Southern Italy. Watch the video
Leone is fifty years old, he is a rich and lonely man. To recreate the warmth he has never had, he decides to rent a company of actors, to make them play the perfect family to be able to enjoy the Christmas holidays, in his villa in the countryside near Todi. But reality and fiction soon begin to merg over and over again. The script written by Leone will be repeatedly disregarded and the roles questioned, until the arrival of an unexpected character will give meaning to the whole story.
di Nicola Angrisano (Ita, 2009, 77') dom 6 In the years between 2003 and 2009, a groups of video makers documented the so-called "Campania rubbish crisis". Their aim was to reveal the cogs working in the background, identify the players and pinpoint the blame for these fifteen years of "extraordinary management ". A performance costing billions of euro and dozens of court cases. But where has the Campania's rubbish ended up? What harm has been infl icted on this scourged land and what damage has been done to the health of millions of people?




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