
Scuola calcio

Piccoli calciatori si sfideranno a Napoli per la finale del torneo: la squadra del difficile rione Sanità contro la fortitudo Roma dove mosse i primi

Più giù, entro le mura

A beautifully composed panoramic view of the Gulf of Naples leads to a sequence of different low-level perspectives accompanied by live sound.

l'uomo più famoso al mondo

Javier is a young winemaker who has created what is probably the best wine vintage ever. After the media frenzy begins, it disappears.

ViviAmo la città

18 and 19 May 2013 saw the first edition of "ViviAmo la città" (Experience the City) in Frattamaggiore, an event sponsored by numerous assoc

Niente sogni dagli sconosciuti

This documentary short aims to shed light on the relational dysfunctions at the basis of psychological violence.



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