
Un gruppo di giovani allievi si mette alla prova nel lavoro collettivo scrivendo e raccontando tre storie per immagini e documentando la preparazione e lo svolgimento di un concerto rock all’interno della scuola.
Serena Petricelli, nata a Napoli il 05/07/1989. Vive a Napoli. Ha studiato montaggio video presso Ilas. Ha ricevuto un diploma accademico di II livello in Fotografia presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli; Laurea triennale in Conservazione dei beni culturali demo-etnoantropologici presso il Suor Orsola Benincasa. Dal 2018 e’ stat fotografa di scena di molti lvori cinematografici e teatrali.
Da sempre appassionata di cinema ,nel 2014 ha deciso di di approfondire questa passione e dal punto di vista professionale iscrivendomi alla scuola di cinema Pigrecoemme Napoli
He was born in Naples on May 13th 1972. As a child he showed a remarkable creative skill helping him facing tight circumstances. He started attending by chance the Accademia Teatrale at the Teatro Bellini of Naples where he won a scholarship and got his diploma. He started working as an actor in traditional Neapolitan comedies by Scarpetta as well as Greek tragedies and also Goldoni, Shakespeare’s plays and contemporary plays. After the theatrical experience he started to work in films.

  Cinema Metropolitan Martedì 29 settembre 2015 h 21,00

Birth in Rome, August 18, 1953, is an Italian actor, director and screenwriter. He attended the National Academy of Dramatic Art "Silvio D'Amico", soon appearing in theater at the side of Squarzina, Trionfo and Muzii. Later, he acts as a theater director with the work of Mazzantini, her future wife. The film debut, however, in 1981 with an appearance, then in the role of protagonist, distinguishing itself in the comedies directed by Ricky Tognazzi and Carlo Verdone, and in the dramatic movie The Stars Maker by Giuseppe Tornatore, for which he wins the Nastro d’argento.

Birth in Rome, August 18, 1953, is an Italian actor, director and screenwriter. He attended the National Academy of Dramatic Art "Silvio D'Amico", soon appearing in theater at the side of Squarzina, Trionfo and Muzii.  Later, he acts as a theater director with the work of Mazzantini, her future wife. The film debut, however, in 1981 with an appearance, then in the role of protagonist, distinguishing itself in the comedies directed by Ricky Tognazzi and Carlo Verdone, and in the dramatic movie The Stars Maker by Giuseppe Tornatore, for which he wins the Nastro d’argento.

Nato a Napoli il 10 Aprile del 2001, attualmente è al quarto anno di Superiori al Liceo Scientifico Arturo Labriola.




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