
di Raimon Masllorens (Spa. 2006, 91') v.o., sott. it.; Gio 14 h 17.30 Lucía slips in the bath in an absurd accident while Toni, her husband, is getting into bed, her daughter Alba chatting to a friend on the phone and Sergio, the little one, stuffing himself with pizza in front of his computer. No-one ever thinks about going blind. Lucía doesn't either and the doctor's diagnostic signifies the end for her. She can no longer paint, her great passion, can't look at the sea, or watch her children growing up. She'll never again be able to escape from a life she hated.
Una ragazza si trasferisce a Torre Annunziata. L’integrazione con gli altri risulta difficoltosa e ben presto si troverà ad infrangere un divieto…
di Nikos Perakis (Gre, 2005, 115') v.o., sott. it.; Lun 18 h 17.00 On the morning of the 14th of August 2003, private Alexandros Tzimbizidis who is doing his tour of duty on the island of Kos and waiting for his beloved so that they can spend the four-day holiday together riles his colleagues with his attitude. To take their revenge they “post” him to the craggy island of Pitta, supposedly after the army has been placed on red alert and all leaves cancelled because of impending Turkish provocations.
Slávek Horák (Zlín, 1975) is a screenwriter, director and Czech actor. He studied direction at the FAMU, a film school in Prague. Before finishing his studies he established himself and grew up as a director of TV commercials. He made two short films for the Straight8 project, both selected at the Cannes Film Festival, and he worked as an assistant director of Jan Sverak for the film Kolja (1996), awarded as Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars. Home Care, presented at the Karlovy Vary Festival (Best Actress for Alena Mhulová), is his first feature film as a director and screenwriter.
di Maddalena De Panfilis (Ita, 2009, 90') mar 8 h 20,15 The story unfolds in twenty four hours, during which time the characters' paths cross and are resultantly altered. The prevalent stories concern Anna and Olga, two thirty year olds. Anna has a personal, internal problem to resolve: allowing herself to grieve for her deceased boyfriend. Olga instead is pressed by unavoidable external issues. Both have brought their situations to extreme stages: either change or go under.
di Damjan Kozole (Slo, 2009, 90') v.o., sott. it. mar 08 h 18,00 Ljubljana 2008. The time of the Slovenian presidency of the European Union. Alexandra is a 23-year-old student of English language. She comes from a small town. Her parents are divorced. No one knows that Alexandra runs personal ads under the nickname, “The Slovenian Girl” and that prostitution is her secret source of income. She's very good at manipulating people, is an accomplished liar and a bit of a thief, and hates her mother. The only person she cares about is her father, a faded rocker.
I ragazzi di oggi ormai preferiscono stare sui social o guardare video anziché giocare a calcio o stare con gli amici, e questo li porta a diventare dei veri e propri zombie.
a cura di Massimo Andrei, da sab 5 a ven 11 h 20,50 Snack-food for thought is new media concept developed with the aim of reasserting the centrality of the human being in our society, through the promotion of ethical, moral, civic and spiritual values. Naming it snack is an explicit reference to fast food, in this case for the mind, with the aim of feeding ourselves a little pause for reflection.
a cura di Massimo Andrei, da sab 5 a ven 11 h 20,50 Snack-food for thought is new media concept developed with the aim of reasserting the centrality of the human being in our society, through the promotion of ethical, moral, civic and spiritual values. Naming it snack is an explicit reference to fast food, in this case for the mind, with the aim of feeding ourselves a little pause for reflection.




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