
One of the greatest actors and director of the Italian and world cinema. Complete name was Vittorio Domenico Stanislao Gaetano Sorano De Sica. He was born in Sora, Frosinone in July 7th, 1901 by Umberto De Sica (Cagliari, employed in the branch of the Banca d’Italia in Sora) and Teresa Manfredi (Neapolitan housewife). He moved to Napoli with the family in 1914 and to Florence at the beginning of the First World War. He studied bookkeeping and in 1917 is an extra in Il processo Clemenceau of Giancarlo Saccon. He get in the acting company of Tatiana Pavlova in 1923 until 1925.

TRIBUTE TO VITTTORIO MEZZOGIORNO (75th anniversary since the birth):

In a tale inspired by Romeo and Juliet, the friendship between two children is threatened by their parents' differences. Malu is from an upper-class family and her single mother does not want her to play with Jorgito, as she thinks his background coarse and commonplace. Jorgito's mother is a poor socialist that is proud of her family's social standing. She places similar restriction on her son. What neither woman recognizes is the immense strength of the bond between Malu and Jorgito.
Mari del Sud – Cuba di Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti e Iraida Malberti Cabrera (Cub, 2005, 80')1 v.o., sott. it., video; Ven 13 h 20.15
18 and 19 May 2013 saw the first edition of "ViviAmo la città" (Experience the City) in Frattamaggiore, an event sponsored by numerous associations and the Municipality of Frattamaggiore. Some of the students from the Carlo Miranda Science High School got involved, providing a journalism service in the form of a summary of the events that took place during the festival days.
“Voce ‘e sirena” è un canto alla bellezza millenaria di Partenope, elevato nel momento e nel luogo della sua ultima, più cocente, ferita. Due donne, in modo diverso coinvolte professionalmente nella gestione dell’area museale di Città Della Scienza, attraversano le rovine del rogo che ha oltraggiato la città, e in quelle macerie ritrovano un senso di appartenenza ed evocano le voci più nobili ed antiche della storia millenaria della città.




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