
Chell’ ca’ sent

The head of the statue of the Sphinx, the "body of Naples", is stolen.


Architect? ... Grocer? ... Birdwatcher? ... Whatever your job is, someone is watching you.


Veronica is twenty and is imprisoned in a huge, obese body. At a disco she gets picked on by a boy, who teases because of her physical appearance.

Il ballo di Marte

A kid gets lost in the woods and comes across a tower where he meets a mysterious woman. His choices from then on will be determined by his steps.


A painter afflicted by a creative crisis wanders the city in search of inspiration. In his desperation in he finds it – in a quite unusual way.


Enrico Iannaccone is a Neapolitan director and musician.


L'impossibilità di scattare una fotografia rappresenta, per un fotografo, l'inizio della fine.

Ancora uno

Matteo takes his wife's murderer hostage; but before exacting his revenge he sits down in front of the killer and begins questioning him.

L'amore è un segno

Ciro e Margherita si amano, ma hanno un problema di comunicazione che li costringe a servirsi di un terzo come tramite, Emondo.

Mario Martone - Premio alla carriera

Report of the Lifetime Achievement Award given to the film director Mario Martone at the Med Film Festival of Rome.




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